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COVIDSafe Plan 

In accordance with Victorian Government Guidelines and Regulations
Last updated 30 January 2022

COVIDSafe Plan

BETTER THAN BEANS Cooking Classes for Young Adults with a High Needs Disability

Date reviewed – 30 January 2022

Next review – At next change in Victorian Government guidelines or 30 June 2022 whichever is sooner.

Physical Distancing

Within the kitchen work space, participants are able to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres. 

Each participant (and accompanying support worker) has his/her own kitchen workspace that is at least 1.5 metres from the next workspace.

The class instructor will help ensure each attending pair stays primarily in their own work space. 

A registered participant is not required to be physically distanced from his/her support worker or carer. 


Wear a Face Mask

Wearing a mask is required for everyone aged 8 and above in all indoor settings in Victoria (unless an exception applies, such as when consuming food or drink).

You do not need a medical certificate stating that you have a lawful reason for not wearing a face mask. If you have a lawful reason for not wearing a face mask, you do not need to apply for an exemption or permit.

At Better Than Beans we understand that our participants may find it impossible to wear a face covering.  It is not a requirement that attendees wear a face mask. 

Persons for whom the nature of their work or education means that clear enunciation or visibility of their mouth is essential are exempt from wearing a face covering. This includes teaching and instructing.  The class instructor will not be wearing a face mask but will be physically distanced from attendees. 


Good Hygiene

We frequently and regularly clean and disinfect shared spaces, including high touch communal items like door knobs, stove and oven knobs and electrical switches.

All kitchen utensils, bowls, saucepans and crockery are washed, cleaned and disinfected prior to use in the class and after the class.

Cleaning and disinfecting of workspaces and kitchen equipment also takes place during the class.  The support worker/carer is responsible for cleaning and disinfecting the participant’s work area at the completion of the class.

The work area and all work equipment will be disinfected thoroughly once all attendees have left the class. 

A cleaning log is maintained for every class.

The class instructor is responsible for ensuring adherence to good hygiene guidelines listed above. 


Checking In

All attendees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a valid medical exemption. 

Participants, support workers and carers are required to electronically check-in to the Services Victoria COVIDSafe app prior to entering the kitchen.  The class instructor will ensure that each attendee has checked-in properly and that each attendee has provided evidence of full vaccination status (or exemption) prior to entering the kitchen.

All attendees must wash and disinfect their hands on entering the kitchen.  Soap and hand sanitiser is available for all participants throughout the kitchen.  We encourage and remind attendees to regularly wash and sanitise their hands.

Checking In (continued)

Disposable paper towels are to be used for hand washing and disposed of after use. 

Participants must not attend classes if he/she has any COVID symptoms. 


Indoor Ventilation

Each participant has his/her own workspace.  Each workspace has its own stainless steel preparation bench, cooktop, oven, sink and ventilation fan.  Cooking ventilation fans are enabled during the class.


Suspected COVID Cases

If any person attending the class is notified that he/she has tested positive for COVID, he/she must notify Better Than Beans immediately if he/she attended a class during the infectious period. 

Phone Miwa on 0400 769 370 or email

All relevant attendees will be individually contacted by the class instructor and notified that he/she has been in proximity of a COVID-positive case.

Participants and carers attending a Better Than Beans cooking class are NOT considered household or household-like contacts of someone testing positive to COVID-19.  If someone attending a class has tested positive to COVID-19, other attendees are an “education contact”.

If you have symptoms, you must have a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT), or a PCR test if you cannot get a RAT.


Anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 is strongly recommended to undertake one RAT everyday for five days from the date of notification. 

If you don’t have symptoms and cannot access a rapid antigen test then monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms emerge. 

If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you must report your result. 

To report your result, call the Coronavirus Hotline at 1800 675 398, or fill in the online form at:

People who test positive on a RAT are considered probable cases and are subject to the same requirements as person who tests positive to a PCR test – individuals must isolate immediately for seven days and notify all contacts, including Better Than Beans.

The class instructor will contact the Department of Health on 1800 675 398 and notify the Department of the actions taken, provide a copy of the risk assessment conducted and contact details of everyone present during the class. 

The class instructor will organise a deep clean of the kitchen space.

The class instructor can return onsite if asymptomatic or, if symptomatic, when a negative RAT/PCR test result has been received.

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M 0400 769 370 and speak to Miwa

Classes run every Saturday including during school holidays

at Box Hill Institute

465 Elgar Rd  Box Hill  VIC  Australia


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